Customizable Customer Relationship Management Software

Contact Management

Contact Management

Contact management is one of the most important features of a CRM system. It allows you to store, organize, and manage all the information related to your customers, prospects, leads, and contacts. In this blog post, we will explore how contact management works in a CRM system, what benefits it offers, and how to use it effectively.

What ERPpwa CRM system Does?

Store and organize the contact information of your leads, prospects, and customers in a centralized database
Segment your contacts based on various criteria such as industry, location, stage, etc.
Track the interactions and activities of your contacts across different channels such as email, phone, social media, etc.
Automate the tasks and workflows related to your contacts such as sending follow-up emails, scheduling appointments, updating records, etc.
Analyze the performance and behavior of your contacts using reports and dashboards
Improve the relationships and retention of your contacts by providing personalized and timely communication and service

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

if your CRM interface is not user-friendly, you may end up wasting time, money, and resources on a system that does not meet your needs.

A user-friendly interface of ERPpwa CRM is essential for ensuring that the system is easy to use, intuitive, and efficient

A user-friendly interface of ERPpwa CRM have.

A clear and consistent layout that organizes the information and functions in a logical way.
A simple and concise language that avoids jargon and technical terms that may confuse the users.
A responsive and fast performance that minimizes delays and errors.
A customizable and flexible design that allows the users to adjust the settings and preferences according to their needs and preferences.
A helpful and informative feedback that provides the users with guidance, tips, and alerts when using the system.

User-Friendly Interface
Cloud-Based Platform

Cloud-Based Platform

If you are looking for a way to manage your customer relationships more effectively, you might want to consider a cloud-based platform of CRM.

ERPpwa CRM it is a software solution that helps you track, analyze, and improve your interactions with your customers. A cloud-based platform of CRM means that the software is hosted on the internet, rather than on your own system or devices.

ERPpwa CRM has several advantages, such as:

You can access your CRM data from anywhere, anytime, using any device that has an internet connection.
You don't have to worry about installing, updating, or maintaining the software, as the provider takes care of that for you.
You can scale up or down your CRM usage as your business needs change, without having to invest in expensive hardware or licenses.
You can easily integrate ERPpwa CRM with other cloud services, such as email, social media, and analytics.
A cloud-based platform of ERPpwa CRM helps you boost your sales, improve your customer satisfaction, and grow your business faster
Access real-time data and insights that can help you make better decisions and strategies.

Customizable And Flexible System

Customizable And Flexible System

If you are looking for a customizable and flexible system of CRM, you might want to consider using our ERPpwa CRM.

Our ERPpwa CRM is designed to meet the needs of different types of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises. You can easily configure and customize the features, workflows, and integrations that suit your specific goals and challenges. Whether you want to manage your leads, contacts, deals, campaigns, or customer service, our platform can help you do it efficiently and effectively.

Here are some of the benefits of using ERPpwa CRM as your customizable and flexible system of CRM:

You can tailor the platform to your industry and niche. No matter what kind of products or services you offer, you can use our platform to create a CRM system that matches your business model and processes. You can choose from various templates and modules that are relevant to your industry, or create your own from scratch.
You can adapt the platform to your changing needs. As your business grows and evolves, you can easily adjust and update your CRM system to reflect the new realities and opportunities. You can add or remove features, change the layout and appearance, and modify the settings and permissions as you see fit.
You can integrate the platform with your existing tools and systems. Our platform is compatible with a wide range of applications and software that you might already use for your business operations. You can connect your CRM system with your email, calendar, social media, accounting, marketing, analytics, and more. This way, you can streamline your workflows and data management across different platforms.
You can access the platform from anywhere and any device. Our platform is cloud-based and mobile-friendly, which means you can use it anytime and anywhere you have an internet connection. You can access your CRM system from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and enjoy the same functionality and performance. You can also sync your data across different devices and platforms, so you always have the latest information at your fingertips.

Customizable And Flexible System
Reporting And Analytics

Reporting And Analytics

Reporting and analytics are essential features of any CRM system. They allow you to measure, monitor and improve your sales performance, customer satisfaction and marketing effectiveness.

Benefits of reporting and analytics in ERPpwa CRM.

Reporting and analytics can help you track and evaluate your sales pipeline, from lead generation to conversion. You can see how many leads you have, where they come from, how they progress through the sales stages, and how many of them become customers. This can help you identify bottlenecks, optimize your sales process, and forecast your revenue more accurately.
Reporting and analytics can also help you understand your customers better. You can segment your customers based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, preferences, and satisfaction. You can also analyze their purchase history, feedback, and loyalty. This can help you tailor your products, services, and communication to their needs and expectations, and increase their retention and referrals.
Reporting and analytics can enable you to measure and improve your marketing campaigns. You can track the performance of your marketing channels, such as email, social media, webinars, and ads. You can see how many people view, click, and respond to your marketing messages, and how many of them convert into leads or customers. This can help you optimize your marketing budget, strategy, and content, and increase your return on investment (ROI).

Lead Management

Lead Management

Lead management is a crucial process for any business that wants to grow and succeed. It involves identifying, capturing, qualifying, nurturing, and converting potential customers into loyal clients. A good lead management system can help you optimize your sales funnel, increase your conversion rates, and boost your revenue.

One of the best tools for lead management is a CRM (customer relationship management) software. A ERPpwa CRM can help you automate and streamline your lead management tasks, such as:

Capturing leads from various sources, such as web forms, social media, email campaigns, etc.
Assigning leads to the right sales reps based on predefined criteria, such as location, industry, interest, etc.
Tracking and monitoring the interactions and activities of your leads, such as emails, calls, meetings, etc.
Scoring and segmenting your leads based on their level of engagement, readiness, and fit for your product or service.
Nurturing your leads with personalized and relevant content, such as newsletters, blogs, ebooks, webinars, etc.
Converting your leads into customers by sending them timely and compelling offers, proposals, and contracts.
Analyzing and reporting on the performance and ROI of your lead management efforts.

Lead Management


One of the most important features of a CRM system is the ability to integrate with other applications and data sources.

Integration allows you to streamline your workflows, automate your tasks, and enhance your customer experience.

Improving data quality and accuracy: By integrating ERPpwa CRM system with other applications and data sources, you can avoid data duplication, inconsistency, and errors. You can also ensure that ERPpwa CRM data is always up-to-date and synchronized with the other systems.
Enhancing customer experience: By integrating ERPpwa CRM system with other applications and data sources, you can provide a seamless and personalized customer journey across different channels and touchpoints. You can also leverage the data from the other systems to gain more insights into your customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors, and tailor your offers and communications accordingly.
Increasing productivity and efficiency: By integrating ERPpwa CRM system with other applications and data sources, you can automate and simplify your workflows and processes. You can also reduce manual work and human errors, save time and resources, and focus on more strategic tasks.
Boosting performance and profitability: By integrating ERPpwa CRM system with other applications and data sources, you can improve your sales, marketing, and customer service outcomes. You can also increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, generate more leads and conversions, and grow your revenue and profits.

Data Quality

Data Quality

Data quality in CRM is a crucial factor for the success of any business that relies on customer data to drive sales, marketing, and service.

Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate insights, wasted resources, missed opportunities, and lower customer satisfaction.

Some of the benefits of data quality in ERPpwa CRM are:

Improved customer segmentation and targeting: By having reliable and relevant data about the customers, businesses can create more effective and personalized campaigns and offers that match their needs and preferences.
Increased customer loyalty and retention: By having a single and accurate view of the customer across the organization, businesses can provide better and faster service, resolve issues more efficiently, and anticipate customer needs and expectations.
Enhanced decision making and performance: By having trustworthy and actionable data, businesses can generate more accurate reports and analytics, identify trends and patterns, optimize processes and strategies, and measure the impact of their actions.
Reduced costs and risks: By having clean and validated data, businesses can avoid errors, duplicates, conflicts, and compliance issues that can result in wasted time, money, and reputation.

Data Quality


Scalability in CRM is the ability of a customer relationship management system to handle increasing amounts of data and transactions without compromising performance or functionality.

Some of the benefits of scalability in CRM are:

Improved customer satisfaction and retention: ERPpwa CRM system can provide fast and consistent service to customers, regardless of the volume or complexity of their requests. Customers can access their account information, place orders, make payments, and receive support without delays or errors. This enhances customer loyalty and reduces churn.
Increased efficiency and productivity: ERPpwa CRM system can automate and streamline various business processes, such as marketing, sales, billing, and customer service. This reduces manual work, errors, and redundancies, and frees up time and resources for more strategic tasks. Employees can work more effectively and collaboratively, and managers can monitor and optimize their performance.
Enhanced competitiveness and innovation: ERPpwa CRM system can enable businesses to adapt to changing customer needs, preferences, and expectations. Businesses can collect and analyze customer data, generate insights, and create personalized offers and solutions. Businesses can also test and launch new products or services, or enter new markets, without disrupting their existing operations.

Benefits of scalability in ERPpwa CRM. ERPpwa CRM system can bring many benefits to your business, such as:

Improved performance and reliability: ERPpwa CRM system can handle more data and transactions without slowing down or crashing, ensuring that your customers have a smooth and consistent experience.
Enhanced functionality and flexibility: ERPpwa CRM system can support more features and integrations, allowing you to customize your CRM system to suit your specific needs and preferences.
Reduced costs and risks: ERPpwa CRM system can save you money and time by eliminating the need to buy or upgrade hardware and software frequently, and by preventing downtime and data loss that can harm your reputation and revenue.



If you are running a business that relies on customer relationship management (CRM) software, you know how important it is to keep your data secure.

Here are some of the benefits of using a ERPpwa CRM security module:

Encryption: ERPpwa CRM security module can encrypt your customer data, both in transit and at rest, to prevent unauthorized access or leakage. Encryption ensures that only authorized users can view or modify your customer data, and that your data is safe from hackers, malware, or accidental deletion.
Authentication: ERPpwa CRM security module can verify the identity of your users and customers, using methods such as passwords, biometrics, tokens, or certificates. Authentication prevents unauthorized users from accessing your CRM system or impersonating your customers.
Authorization: ERPpwa CRM security module can define the roles and permissions of your users and customers, based on their identity, location, device, time, or other criteria. Authorization ensures that your users and customers can only access or perform the actions that they are allowed to do, and that they cannot access or modify sensitive data or functions that are beyond their scope.
Auditing: ERPpwa CRM security module can record and monitor the activities and transactions of your users and customers, such as login attempts, data changes, errors, or alerts. Auditing helps you track and audit the performance and compliance of your CRM system, and detect and resolve any issues or anomalies.
Backup: ERPpwa CRM security module can backup your customer data regularly, either on-premise or in the cloud, to ensure that you have a copy of your data in case of any disaster or emergency. Backup helps you recover your data quickly and easily, and minimize the impact of any data loss or corruption.

Customer Service Management

Customer Service Management

The customer service management module in CRM is a tool that helps businesses manage their interactions with customers and provide them with the best possible service. The module allows users to create, track, and resolve customer cases, as well as monitor customer satisfaction and feedback. The module also integrates with other CRM modules, such as sales, marketing, and analytics, to provide a holistic view of the customer journey and identify areas for improvement.

It improves customer loyalty and retention by providing timely and personalized responses to customer queries and issues.
It increases operational efficiency and productivity by automating workflows and reducing manual tasks.
It enhances customer experience and satisfaction by offering multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email, chat, social media, etc.
It boosts revenue and profitability by cross-selling and up-selling products and services based on customer needs and preferences.
It supports continuous improvement and innovation by collecting and analyzing customer feedback and data.



If you need any change in existing features or want to add new reports or features, we can customize as per your need.

SAAS OR On-Premise


SAAS OR On-Premise

ERPPWA is available as software as a service, or if you want to setup it, on your inhouse server.


Contact us and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

315, Radhe Fortune, Apollo Circle 200' Feet Ring Road, Opp. Narayani Resort, Airport - Gandhinagar Road, Bhat, Ahmedabad.

+91 9106649582